Kanda's Monastery

Nestled in the humble village of Kanda, the monastery of St. 13 Assyrian monks stands as a remarkable emblem of deep-rooted Christian traditions. Every Sunday, devout followers pour into this hallowed sanctuary to partake in prayer, led by the revered church mentor, Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim Bit-Kharibi. This seemingly small sanctuary has evolved into a significant spiritual haven that unites Orthodox Assyrians, who converse in Aramaic, the original language spoken by Jesus Christ.

Blessed by the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II, and pursuant to the Holy Synod's decision of the Georgian Orthodox Church, divine services within this tranquil refuge resonate in the ancient tones of Aramaic. The dulcet echoes of this ancient language suffuse the chapel with a transcendent serenity that seems to transport the faithful back through the annals of time.

The charismatic figure spearheading these mesmerizing services is Father Seraphim, whose melodious voice and enigmatic aura imbue the proceedings with a compelling spiritual intensity. The chants that ripple through the chapel, composed by Father Seraphim himself, have not only captivated the locals but also transcended national borders. His poignant melodies and unique rendition of church hymns have earned him widespread recognition and reverence.

During an apostolic visit to Georgia, Pope Francis was so moved by Father Seraphim's distinct liturgical style that he extended an invitation to him to conduct a prayer service in Aramaic at the renowned Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. The soothing melodies and the deep resonance of his voice have turned Father Seraphim into a sought-after spiritual guide, drawing believers who seek his counsel and yearn to listen to his harmonious singing.

In a world increasingly detached from its ancient roots, there exist only two places where services are conducted in the language of Christ - one being the Syrian village of Maalula, located in the outskirts of Damascus, and the other being Kanda's Monastery of St. 13 Assyrian Monks, tucked away in the serene expanse of Georgia.

Nearest to Kanda's Monastery

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